3500/15-05-05-CN Supports calculation of altitude, gas density and specific volume

3500/15-05-05-CN Vaisala Humidity Calculator makes complex humidity calculations and conversions easier. It covers all the major parameters and is effortless to use. Knowing the value of one of the parameters and the allowable error, multiple humidity parameters can be calculated.

Convert units at any time to see the impact of changes in environmental conditions, such as temperature and pressure, and adjust the environmental conditions accordingly. Vaisala Humidity Calculator has 2 calculation modes: Basic mode and advanced mode. Choose the model that suits your computing needs.

We are very pleased to announce that we have recently launched several new features for the Vaisala Humidity Calculator based on user feedback.

These new features include:

• Calculate altitude

• Calculate gas density

• Calculate the specific volume

In addition,

• Frost points will be highlighted when used

• Computation-based product recommendations

The Vaisala Humidity Calculator now offers a new definition of pressure: altitude. Altitude refers to the distance between a location and sea level, which directly affects atmospheric pressure. The farther away you are from sea level, the lower the atmospheric pressure in your environment. Ignoring altitude can lead to inaccurate humidi3500/15-05-05-CN ty calculations, especially at higher elevations. The calculator has been improved to ensure accurate calculations and address potential errors in calculations, especially at high altitudes (e.g., Mexico City at 2,240m).

Gas density measurements help to calculate environmental conditions when humidity changes. Since humidity affects air density, this is an important variable to consider. For those industrial processes that increase humidity, making the air cooler and denser, calculations help determine the ideal conditions for producing quality products.

The specific volume is the inverse of the density. It provides information on how much volume flow is required to obtain a particular quality of air. This parameter can be used to optimize turbine intake.

Frost point is of particular importance for industries dealing with low humidity, although this par3500/15-05-05-CN ameter can be slightly more complex. The updated calculator clearly shows when to use frost points.

As an added bonus, the calculator provides product recommendations based on the results, helping you choose the right product for your specific process.

Vaisala Humidity calculator calculates and converts the following parameters:

• Relative humidity

• Wet bulb temperature

• Enthalpy value

• Water content

• Dew point temperature

• Absolute humidity

• Moisture pressure

• Water content (wet base)

• Dew/frost point temperature

• Mixing ratio

• Saturated moisture pressure

• Relative humidity (dew/frost point)

• Altitude

• Gas density

• Specific volume

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