RMU811A Driving digital transformation

RMU811A The Group is committed to driving innovation across all sectors.” Endress+Hauser Chief Operating

Officer Dr Andreas Mayr. Patent applications cover all product areas. With the development of measurement technology,

software solutions, service offerings, as well as firmware, connectivity and device integration are becoming increasingly

important. Cloud platforms and artificial intelligence applications are also becoming increasingly popular.

Another focus is on material property analyRMU811A sis and measurement.

In 2023, Endress+Hauser spent more than 267 million euros on research and development, representing

7.2% of sales, up 10.4% from 2022. The Group employs more than 1,300 people engaged in the research and development

of field instrumentation, solutions and service products. In addition, employees in the production, logistics, IT and administrative

departments are also actively engaged in process optimization and innovation, contributing to the success of the Group.

Interdisciplinary cooperation

“Many of our R&D teams are made up of people from different departments and different geographies, which was a key

factor in our innovation results last year.” RMU811A Says Dr. Christine Koslowski, Director of Intellectual Property at Endress+Hauser Group.

“The fact that more and more innovative work requires internal and external collaboration to improve

processes and apply existing solutions to relevant applications in other fields is a good example.” “Koslowski said.

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